Our roof cleaning service is a 4 stage process.
A few simple preparations allow for a great finished product.
- The first step is a gentle, manual removal to loosen the bulk of the moss and algae.
- Next, we use gas-powered handheld blowers to clear the loose debris down to the ground to prepare for treatment. During this stage, we do a full interior gutter clean on all sides of your roof.
- Then, we clean up and bag all of that moss debris that has fallen from your roof. We make sure that your patios, sidewalks, flower beds and driveways are cleared completely. NOTE: We will then put any debris in your green bin or bag it and take it to the curb for you.
- Finally, you will see us pre-soak plants around your home with water and continue to wash them as the operator begins to apply the treatment on your roof. As we finish, we give all plants a final rinse to ensure that our spray has been entirely neutralized. Then, we will move any furniture or planters back to their original locations if we had needed to move them while working.
- Unlike pressure washing, our roof treatment does not damage or lift your tiles or shingles.
- You will notice a gentle fan spray as we apply the treatment, much like you can find on a standard garden hose.
- On anything over a single story roof, you will see us set up ropes and harnesses, utilizing specialty fall-restricting devices.
- When applying our solution, you will see the operator wearing a mask to prevent from back-spray when dealing with gusting winds and from steam vapours on hot days. Our operators also wear eye protection.
What are you spraying?
We get asked this a lot. We use the industry standard and roofing manufacturer-approved sodium hypochlorite (chlorine bleach), water, and surfactant method. Most reputable companies do because it has been the approved choice by every shingle manufacturer and roofing contractor association around. It is the most-tested product and the one that is warranty approved. Every contractor has their own special blend but a good contractor will not use the "one size fits all" approach. We have personally worked on over one thousand roofs and know that not all roofs are the same, requiring individualized attention. We mix our treatment on the truck at each job using specially-designed equipment made for the job, using our experience to tailor every mix for the job at hand. You never have to worry about harm to plants, pets, or children. Every job is thoroughly controlled and planned. The safety of your home & family is our first priority!
A lot of companies will try and trick you by saying key words like "biodegradable", "eco-friendly", "green", "non-toxic", or a lot of skirting around the question, "What are you spraying?". We do not need to trick anyone. Your home is a large investment for you and your family, so don't be fooled by gimmicks and smooth talk. If the makers of your shingles have not only heavily-tested, but approved and recommended it for their warranty-approved maintenance, well that is what matters.
So while we definitely use our own special blend perfected over hundreds and hundreds of homes and roof types, the active moss treatment portion comes from the industry standard and approved chlorine bleach among other surfactants that allow us to spray a considerably-less mix and yet achieve greater results. In addition to our ingredients, a large portion of every treatment is made up of simply water to act as the vessel for our proprietary mix of concentrates and is all mixed in our truck on-site for each and every job. For more information about this topic, read more here.
Quotes from manufacturers and industry experts:
“PRCA supports and recommends the same cleaning process that is suggested by the Asphalt Roof Manufacturers Association (ARMA), the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA), and all shingle manufacturers. These authoritative associations have studied and researched proper asphalt cleaning procedures. They clearly state that a roof cleaner should not power wash a shingle roof with any kind of equipment attached to a power washer. PRCA members use the recommended non-pressure washing procedures and chemicals that the shingle manufacturers recommend. Make sure that the contractor you choose uses the non-pressure process. Ask them the most important question: Will you use a pressure washer on my roof? Pay close attention to their answer, specifically low-pressure answers. Even the lowest setting on a pressure washer will cause damage to the shingles. It will not extend the life of your roof and could void your existing warranty.”
“The most effective method of cleaning algae and moss from a roof is with a 50:50 mix of laundry strength liquid chlorine bleach and water. Apply with a sprayer and allow the solution to dwell on the roof surface.”